Sep 7, 2013

Breathtaking Military Technology that could be employed in a Syria Strike

The US claim they have confirmed that Sarin gas (a banned chemical weapon) was used by the Assad regime against its own people (over 1,400 civilians were killed in the August 21 attack) and as such has crossed international red lines. It could only be a matter of days before we see a US intervention, well, militarily.
That leaves a lot of folks wondering what kind of strike we're going to witness; the extent, the white house say will be limited. Leaves me asking what military weaponry will be employed if and when the US decides to strike.
As the US Congress deliberates on that at Capitol hill, let's take a moment and look at some intriguing munitions in the Pentagon's arsenal that could be utilized in disarming Assad. 

Agent Defeat weapons (Passive Attack Weapons and Crashpad)
Designed by the US Airforce to target and destroy stockpiles of chemical or biological weapons without spreading them to surrounding areas, in effect reducing collateral damage. These weapons would be carried and deployed by fighter jets with radar-evading stealth technology.

Drone eyes
Pentagon's  Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) wants to assess the effects of a strike immediately it happens, they could find out if a plume of toxic smoke is released upon impact by the agent defeat among other data following an impact. A Drone lends itself to this end. Miniature drones would be released from the tail section of a bomb moments before impact.

A surprise inclusion maybe. Although a ground battle is unlikely going by the claim of a limited action, smartphones replace some of the equipment soldiers carry about in hardware form -- compass, accelerometer, GPS. There are specialized apps developed for specific military operations that could come in handy at Syria.   

Aircraft Carrier ship (USS Nimitz) Finally, a contribution from the US Navy. This nuclear powered warship and other ships in its strike group would have their hands full if a go ahead is given to strike Syria. From its position in the eastern Mediterranean it would provide a platform for military strikes and a safe fortress for military planning. It capacity to house as many as 85 aircrafts and is fully equipped with radars.

Air, ground, sea, space or cyber, military technology has transcended all frontiers. On a day that the Pope has declared as a day of prayer and fasting for peace in the Middle east, one can only wonder if all these robots, drones and lasers of technology would solve the age old problem in Syria.   

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